Sunday, 24 July 2011


Polar bear and huskie 2 - Watch out, I'm a southpaw: The dog cowers as his adversary threatens to land a knockout blow

It was a chance encounter that could have ended with flying fur and bloodshed in the snow.
Wildlife photographer Norbert Rosing was taking pictures of a team of huskies in Canada's frozen north when a polar bear gatecrashed the party.
Along with dog handler Brian Ladoon, Mr Rosing watched helplessly as the bear and one of the dogs approached each other.
Polar bear and huskie 4 - Go on, give us a (bear) hug: The new friends enjoy a cuddle
Polar bear and huskie 5 - If I lie here long enough I might even get a tickle on the tummy: The bear is playful, the husky is a little bemused and the handler (out of shot) is extremely relieved